TRACES - Hypnotized

Released Jan. 2017


At first I never thought this song would come out. Not because it wasn't good, there was just a lot of time in between when my work was done and when I got the email that it was a go. TRACES, Steve Solomon, and myself, wrote the thing in Jan 2016 . I had already done two songs with TRACES, “Share Your Love” and “Do Better”, but Steve added something that was necessary for TRACES' project. 

As far as how this came together, this song just kind of happened without thinking too hard about anything. It just flowed. TRACES and I started going at it with melodies on top of some chords Steve threw down. TRACES started plugging in lyrics and he kept singing the word hypnotized. So we started to build it into this story about being hypnotized by someone. We wrote through the second verse and then took a whiskey break. Over the next months I dove into production and came out with what you hear above. 




The riff in the intro song is just a guitar riff I played and then I just pitched it up an octave or two and put it through some distortion (Izotope TRASH2, I think?) and then a couple other reverb plugins and looped. 
The lead noise on the chorus is some of TRACES' vocal, Bobby Flayed and then ran through some pitch and distortion. Here's the dry vs. wet

There are a couple stacked snares in the chorus, but you can hear one that’s super verbed out. That's my tongue, I can click my tongue super annoyingly loud, and one day I was in the underground parking garage at The Getty Museum and did it. It sounded dope so I recorded it on my iPhone and ended up using it as a snare.

 Here’s the original recording: